Monday, July 10, 2006

Well, I still like the French soccer team, perhaps now more than ever.

For some reason it doesn’t bother me at all that they are a frustrating, aging group that squandered their potential after a ramdom, inexplicable act of self-destruction.

As for Zidane’s head butt, I’m bemused by all the speculation as to what Marco Materazzi said to him to provoke it. Perhaps it was a truly execrable comment, though I also wouldn’t be surprised if it was relatively innocuous bit of chiding, and that it was a combination of frustration and temper, set off by the nattering itself, that ignited Zidane.

You see, I have some experience with this myself, and therefore I’m reluctant to condemn Zidane’s act of violence. I have a co-worker who sets me off in much the same way. It’s not so much that what she says is offensive; it’s the gradual build-up of irritation that gets you.

If you fused my relationship with my co-worker with the World Cup final incident, I can envision the exchange going something like this:

Materazzi: You’ve had your chances, Zizou, but your’re finished. We’re the mighty Azzuri. Soon we will be world champions...the greatest team across all six continents.

Zidane: You mean seven continents.

Materazzi: No, six...Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australia...what’s the other one? Let me think...

Zidane: The other TWO; Asia and Antarctica.

Materazzi: I don’t think Asia’s a continent, maybe India...anyway, we’re going to destroy you, much in the same way that the British Royal Family destroyed princess Diana. That was terrible. Of course, you French were in on it, weren’t you?

Zidane: What are you talking about?

Materazzi: The crash scene. All the evidence you destroyed. How come French police cleaned up the crash scene so quickly? Maybe the French governement is in league with the British Royal Family. Or at least in league with the Queen. The Queen could be directing a rogue element within MI5 who have connections to the French secret police who...

Zidane: Why don’t you piss off?

Materazzi: You see, you’re all discombobulated. Ha ha ha...

Zidane: Will you shut up?

Materatzi: Yes, you’re discombobulated. It means...well, I’m not sure what it means. I just made it up! I can’t say exactly what it means because I just made it up!! Sometimes I do that. I make up words. What's another one I made up? I know....