Air was thick with polluted current over the weekend. Made it tough to breathe at times. Gives me a kind of mental asthma. Need to figure out a way to break through it.
And I need a date for the civic election. Will be the Presiding Election Official in high turnout Kerrisdale. As a Stoke fan from northern Alberta put it "the things we do for the almighty dollar." Have my lieutenants in place, but they've recruited spouses and the like. The scene will be annoyingly couple-oriented. Maybe I’ll place an add...
"SWM seeks female for romantic day at polling station. Date will last 14 hours or more. You will be paid. Charming company will be provided, not necessarily by myself."
I'll have to consult with JR Muc on how to attract the right response.
What else? Becoming dangerously interested in early Black Sabbath. Even purchased a used copy of 'Master of Reality.’ Again the fault of JR Muc. As my dad once said, "why don't you bloody kids grow up?"
One more thing. Am working on a theory of rock musicians/Star Wars characters Musical Personality matchups. Will have to develop a quiz, then send it irritatingly around the internet as my own contribution to insipid net humour.
So far I figure as follows (think of the following in musical/band terms):
Luke Skywalker - Boundless optomism in the face of all odds. Capable of tapping into the Force. Gunslinger type. Inspires others to action.
Hans Solo - A bit of a free agent type who seems to have his own plan, but he possesses charm, great skill and deftly commands powerful machinery, and as a result makes himself somewhat indispensible. A bit jaded.
Obi Wan Kenobi - Haggard and reclusive, but very good mastery of the Force based on instincts, experience and cultivation of skills. Must be coaxed into action by others.
Yoda - Intriguing, charming, self-contained master of the Force. Sought out and admired by others.
Princess Leia - Not necessarily a female. Seen by others as a natural for the throne, and as a result is able to get people to rally round her (or his) cause.
C3PO - Often pissed off and irritated by various things. However, has knowledge of several (musical) languages hardwired into his circuitry. Shouldn't be underestimated.
R2-D2 - Technician. Ability with certain types of machinery makes him/her a valuable asset.
Chewbacca the Wookie - Like Hans Solo something of a free agent, but essentially a tough, reliable mercenary type.
Note: In astrology, one can fall into one sign, but possess many attributes of another (ie. A Sagitarious with a Capricorn influence). Similarly, one can also fall into one category of Star Wars character, while having certain influences of another.
Here goes, starting with myself:
ACM - Obi Wan Kenobi. Fitting, given that the character was played by ALEC Guiness.
Smash - Luke Skywalker.
Mule - Yoda, but also a possible Princess Leia if he chose to summon disciples for a series of ‘Mule and Friends’ performances.
Shockk - Yoda, just barely, with a strong Luke Skywalker influence.
Super Robertson - Tough to call. A less optomistic Luke Skywalker, with a Chewbacca the Wookie influence. (Perhaps I should say a Luke Skywalker with a Chewbacca influence and a touch of C3P0.)
Andy - Hans Solo.
Two Sticks- Don’t know him well enough, but perhaps a Hans Solo? He may disagree, in which case I apologize (although that’s actually a compliment...and Hans Solo got the chick). Maybe a bit of R2-D2 in the mix as well.
JR Muc - Also tough to call. I’d say mostly C3P0 with a pinch of Princess Leia and a streak of Luke Skywalker.
I have theories of Marq DeSouza (Princess Leia?), JLS (interesting blend of Yoda, Chewbacca and R2-D2), Shawn Sheers (Chewbacca) but will withhold definitive comment, as I don’t know them well enough.
Now excuse me while I go listen to ‘Into the Void.’
Tuesday, September 03, 2002
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