Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I periodically tune into Coronation St. for a stretch, somewhat in the way that one revisits an old album. Seeing a fresh round of Sally Webster serious faces and Gail Roberts hand-to-hip stances is like putting on a ragged but comfortable sweater.

So I switch it on the other night, and who is playing the role of a sketchy novelist but Sir Ian McKellan!

And he fits right in!

Who's next? How about the return of some long lost teen strumpet, now grown and sophisticated, and played by Helena Bonham Carter?


Speaking of Coronation St., I was reading an article on The Smiths' 'The Queen is Dead' album. The inner sleeve bears a famous photo of the band standing on Coronation St. itself, in front of the Salford Lads Club.

After the photo, Morrissey sent a card to the photographer that included this reflection:

"Fatal Regret: I should have worn my mud-coloured cardigan."